The Third Eye
and Problems in the Physical Body
A malformed energetic centre at this level can bring about a myriad of odd physical symptoms ranging from IBS to bladder infections, neck aches to gallbladders wreaking havoc on their owners.
The third eye (Yin tang in Chinese medicine) can become malformed because of the inappropriate or the inability to process recurrent emotions, very similar to the causal factors of IBS.
The third eye can also become malformed in those with blossoming intuitive and mediumship capacities in their push for ‘something’ which may not yet be appropriate for them with respect to timelines or personal abilities.
In these cases, it is the continuous push (of the mind) that contorts the energy of this centre, often irritating or even blocking everything else, leading to physical dis-ease processes in the body. Especially in the area of the Lower Tan Tien, the area of the pelvic bowl, peritoneal cavity, and abdomen.
This region of the physical body can give rise to all kinds of organ dysfunction, disease states and symptom sets that allopathic protocols and nutraceuticals can’t fully resolve.