Your body is immersed in measurable electromagnetic fields and influences that permeate right down to the cellular level.
This includes the channels and meridians of Chinese and Japanese Medicine, as well as Medical QiGong.
Beyond these, there are additional systems that can be influenced to facilitate physical, mental, and emotional corrections.
Your operational system is electro-magnetic in nature
Your body’s electromagnetic system influences every part of our physiology — the body, the mind and the emotional centre. It affects the way they operate and their ability to return to equilibrium after an illness or injury.
The electromagnetic system provides strength and flexibility to our muscular, skeletal, organ and nervous systems, as well as to all various physical and metabolic processes and cellular functions. It plays a key role in dictating how efficiently we can recover from diseases.
How you think affects everything: your mental platform, your outlook, your habitual emotional reactions, and your physical responses to flux, or disease states. It also influences your resilience and ability to overcome physical and mental challenges.
How we think, feel, and habitually react through emotively charged projections, or suppressions and unresolved trauma compromise our body processes, opening the door to disease.
Mismanaged emotions and imbalanced ways of thinking are the super highways to diseases
Stress is widely recognised as a driver in most disease processes, creating the biochemical seed that can take advantage of existing weaknesses in the body.
The variance and flow of energy in your body’s electrical system can result in:
Injuries that won’t heal
Pain felt in muscles and joints
Shoulder and neck pain
Back problems
Vascular disorders
Digestive disorders
Abnormal cellular growths
Metabolic dysfunction on multiple levels