The Times
We Are In
The energies we are currently living in are a melding of the old and the new. Like oil and water, they don’t mix, and it’s knocking us around both as individuals and as a society.
People can be seen as being on upward ladders or downward ladders. The Upward ladder is one of resilience and a Taoist approach to change with emotional detachment, while the downward ladder has its orientation in fear, causal unrest, and resistance to the changes which are coming in – whether we like it or not.
A lot of people are trying to claw back the energies of what they know of how life used to be, while the overall impetus is one of strong forward movement. Most are finding it hard to be in flow. This is a time to review, discern, question, reflect, and reinvent a stronger and more resilient version of Self and Society.
People are terrified of the new energy that is rapidly unfolding and what it is ultimately resolving. What is at the core of this is energetically, people do not want to move forward in this new energy because it involves making a new ‘compact’, insofar as the contract they entered into for this lifetime.
It becomes about them negotiating with themselves, as the new energies have a greater degree of responsibility to Self, self-determination, and the governance of sovereignty within the perspective of the (new) humanity.