The Etheric Field
The Etheric is quite a complex energetic organ; it's open-ended and is the interface that operates and influences on multiple levels. It processes the external to the internal and vice versa. It’s a feeder system, and the way it works and impacts is infinitely variable.
The Etheric and what is known as the ‘pain body’ are one and the same, but it really needs to be looked at as layers of an onion. The Etheric acts like an encompassing protector and it also acts as a storage vessel for codes and instructions.
It will hold aspects and vibratory bands of influence with respect to what a person hasn’t yet alchemised – and that part of the Self where one’s shadow lies. It holds the codes for disease states as well as the codes for their correction and resolution.
It can also be considered a sensory organ as well as a feedback system. It contains huge amounts of energetic information as well as the mechanisms of our thoughts and reactions.
The understanding of the Etheric Field and how it interfaces with other energetic structures and the physical body, as well as how it responds to our thoughts and emotionally based reactions, is of paramount importance in the treatment of any physical condition in metaphysical medicine.