Skin Psychology
In acute skin conditions, what is usually in play is toxicity, causally of the emotional terrain. Sometimes it's to do with others, but more likely it's to do with the self. It is an emotional toxicity that manifests physically. Often in skin conditions, the body chooses to utilise the detox pathway of the skin over the gut because it's not wanting to corrupt the functions of the gut in its focus to excrete the ‘toxicity’ as fast as it can.
Skin tone, as in colour and texture, will give an indication of how a person’s cells are behaving. In healthy skin tone, the cells on all levels are operating in a more coherent and more resonant manner. There is greater oxygenation and therefore a superior breath mechanism (uncorrupted by the mental platform and emotional reactivity) as well as lung capacity. In TCM, there is a significant correlation between the lungs and the skin, and the lungs affecting the large intestine through the skin.
People who have developed physiological mechanisms resulting in inappropriate oxygenation, such as shallow breathing, stress reactions, or deficiencies – the skin goes dull and can have an undertone of green or yellow. These colours give a specific indication of the incoherence needing to be addressed in the person, be it physical, mental, or emotional.
The energetic changes that have been in effect on a societal level and on a world scale in the last few years have hit a person’s bodily weakness and shadow aspects, consequently affecting the nervous system. Allopathic treatment of skin conditions has either amplified the problem and/or has driven it deeper into the body. Shingles is an example of this, and there are often compounding medical conditions prior to its onset.
These types of eruptions of the skin can be brought on by a misalignment in the nervous system through either the reaction or suppression of reactivity. Interestingly, if a person is around someone whose mode of operation is one of a vampire or a stressor, this is where we can see these illnesses strike.
Cysts, boils, etc., on the upper part of the body will have the primary causative factors in the pelvic bowl, its organs, and energy centres. In states of melancholy and what's-the-use-ness, the skin and hair can go dry and lacklustre, with a characteristic unhealthy texture to it. Dehydration will point to depletion in several of the body’s intricately balanced systems.
In the resolution of skin conditions, there is a requirement to not only look at but to treat several aspects of the person, which not only provides the desired result of healthier skin and superior complexion but also the ability to deal with what they need to in their life.