Menstrual Issues and Fertility
As practitioners, we are currently seeing more and more ‘interesting’ and difficult-to-explain health issues regarding women’s menstrual cycles and fertility, even down to a woman’s ability to carry full term. Menopause and perimenopause states are also being heavily impacted. Overall, all the organs and systems of the Lower Tan Tien are being affected, no matter a woman’s age.
A contributing factor is the energetic field being corrupted, being fed discordance from the mental platform as well as internal, pharmaceutical, and environmental toxicity, often involving a compromise to the functioning of the liver. Around the reproductive organs, there is a gel-like mucus that’s thick and tacky, slowing physiological and biochemical processes right down.
Anatomically, the organs are starting to change shape and their ability to function and correct functioning – being impaired, impacting hormone levels and interactions. Monthly cycles are skewing or dropping out altogether, hormonal changes are occurring earlier and out of sync with other systems, and optimal functioning is becoming more difficult.
Another thing to be considered is the degree of familial energy that can be in play as well. Another impact is hip misalignment which can result from, for example, an impact to the coccyx or etheric scarring, and the movement of energy fields backwards (towards the spine) and forwards (from the front) through the area of the pelvic bowl.
The pelvis can be considered a bowl of energy with a specific structure and energetic flows. When it is impacted, or its flow is restricted, this leads to areas of congestion and resorptions. This situation puts in place an energetic echo of the issue until it is resolved and things can return to optimal functioning, affecting all aspects of the endocrine system and associated interfaces.
It’s a fairly common thing that the pelvic bowl contains these resorptive lesions, causing problems in the organ systems it contains. Metaphysically, a resorptive ‘lesion’ is a misfiring of an area of tissue, affecting the nerves as well as the tissue constituents.
They have a rhythm that hasn’t recovered from a particular insult, and it sets up a malfunctioning, misfiring that keeps repeating as an incoherent pulse. It is this incoherent pulse that sets up dysfunction and disease states, and this is what we are seeing now.