Thyroid, Parathyroid
and Emotional States
The thyroid and parathyroid endocrine glands are finely balanced and intricate systems with far-reaching effects on the operation of our physiology and impact on our overall health. Suboptimal functioning will present in a myriad of ways including metabolic slowing or speeding up, skin and hair changes, fatigue, motivation and eventually impacting how we see our lives and ourselves within it. It can affect our ability to get on with or even create our lives.
These two sets of endocrine glands are particularly influenced by the mind-body interface as well as the chemical and biochemical sensitivities and reactions produced by protracted periods of stress and toxicologically based influences. When there has been a traumatic experience in a person's life, it will always affect the thyroid or parathyroid in a specific way.
There can be aspects of fear and trauma oriented to a situation, but what it will always come down to is a loss of the sense of self within that trauma, or stress-generating situation. This kind of energy can get stuck in the parathyroids, especially in grief. Grief and white-hot rage are almost twins and will often be in play with respect to the loss of a significant other or a loss of lifestyle.
In thyroid disease, the blockages that take hold and set up the platform for physiological and biochemical malfunctioning tend to be oriented to when a person feels disempowered. Fear also impacts the thyroid and the issues involved in this tend to literally hide behind the gland.
When fear affects the thyroid, it can lead to the putting on of weight in certain areas of the body as well as a dulling down of aspects of the person's life. It’s the type of fear with the flavour of ‘will I be able to do this’ and ‘what if I can’t…’. This can even go further into the body, setting up changes in one's perceptual filters regarding what the person feels they need in order to feel safe.
In the energetic maps we use, there are a variety of meridian mechanisms and techniques to correct and improve functioning. There is also an 'energetic connector' that goes from the thyroid to the gut. This pathway can be influenced to bring about changes physically and energetically to the thyroid and parathyroid systems, restoring optimal functioning and a new equilibrium for the body.
Once the primary holdings of the trauma and/or fear have been fully dealt with, it then positively impacts digestive disorders and aspects of metabolism and overall health.