
and Histamine Reactions

A histamine reaction occurs when the cerebellum overreacts, and in its overreacting it sees histamine as a threat, therefore sending signals throughout the body to behave and react in a certain way. It can bypass all the other signalling aspects in the body. This is the reason why allergies and allergic reactions are so potent and prevalent – purely because it bypasses every other system in the body. When the cerebellum overreacts – it's like it's forgotten its job, its forgotten how to be in balance.

The cerebellum is the early warning system, and in consistent allergic reactive states, the alarm is constantly screaming. This then leads to the development of (sometimes) multiple allergies, impacting the immune system on a deeper level. In the treatment of allergic states and histamine reactions, there is a requirement to also work with the lymphatic system as the allergens, pathogens and accompanying aspects of bacteria sit and inflame aspects of the lymphatic.

When a lymph node becomes inflamed, it energetically and physically becomes clogged, and nothing moves anywhere. Simply stated, the garbage is never taken out for disposal; it builds up and significantly impacts flow both energetically and then physically, as well as setting up toxin build-up that the body finds difficult to process and eliminate.

This can be a compounding problem because of the amount of and the extent of immune-compromising chemicals and allergens currently in our food, our environment, and toxic overloading of our physical systems. Antihistamines do work, but they are band-aids; what is required is a multi-factorial approach and a systematic approach to a degree of resolution.